All Fascinating Thing

The lyric is sooo touching


My current favorite song lyrics

Lee Hi – Breathe

Breathe in deeply
Until both sides of your chest get numb,
Exhale more,
Until they start to hurt a little
Until you feel like
There’s nothing left inside of you

It’s okay if your breath gets short
No one is blaming you
You can make mistakes from time to time
Everyone else does too
If I tell you it’s alright
I know that it’s only words

When someone sighs
How can I understand
Such deep breaths your sigh
Even though I won’t be able to understand its depth, that’s okay
I will embrace you

It’s okay if your breath gets short
No one is blaming you
You can make mistakes from time to time
Everyone else does too
If I tell you it’s alright
I know that it’s only words

When someone sighs
How can I understand
Such deep breath your sigh
Even though I won’t be able to understand its depth, that’s okay
I will embrace you

Even though your sigh may seem cheerless to others
I know that
Your day was so difficult that it was hard for you to let out even a small sigh
Don’t think about anything else
Breathe in deeply and exhale just as you are

When someone sighs
How can I understand
Such deep breaths
Your sigh
Even though I won’t be able to understand its depth, that’s okay
I will embrace you

Thank you so much for your hard work

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